Raid shadow legends mastery guide
Raid shadow legends mastery guide

raid shadow legends mastery guide

This investment should only be applied to a Level 60 Champion who you are going to use in all areas.

  • If you are early-mid game player, it’s worth investing 800 gems to fully max a Champion’s mastery.
  • raid shadow legends mastery guide

    After that, it will costs 150 gems per reset. You can reset your masteries free once.Advanced Scrolls can be obtained after receiving all of the champion’s Basic Scrolls.Divine Scrolls can be obtained upon receiving all of the champion’s Advanced Scrolls.Each champion can receive a maximum of 100 Basic Scrolls (5 Masteries), 600 Advanced Scrolls (6 Masteries) and 950 Divine Scrolls (4 Masteries).Mastery scrolls are obtained by farming in Minotaur’s Labyrinth Dungeon.This champion mastery guide lists all of the masteries available and provides the description of each mastery and how to use them to build your champions based on a specific role! You can only activate 2 mastery tree and select up to 15 masteries from either trees in a descending sequence. There are 3 mastery tree types, which are Offense, Defense and Support.

    raid shadow legends mastery guide

    But don’t worry we have you covered with our Raid: Shadow Legends Mastery guide.Champion Mastery also known as Talent Tree can be customized for every champion in Raid Shadow Legends. You need to choose among these three groups what is best for your champion. Now Masteries are divided into 3 different types: It is recommended to get a solid team of at least level 50 champions before try and attempt dungeon stage 11-15 for getting the best energy reward ratio. Raid: Shadow Legends Mastery Guide: All the Masteries available in-game Once you have completed Masteries on 2 champions then you can speed farm tomes from Minotaur’s Labyrinth for your other champions. After completing a Mastery on a champion try and choose a second champion to fully invest gems upon him to max up the mastery. But make sure to max up the level of your chosen champion as masteries will only be applied if your champion is at max level 60. This will also help you to boost your game progress quite a bit. If you are an Early or a Mid gamer it’s worth spending 800 gems to fully max up one of your champions as it will give you a great leader when you will use this champion in all areas and modes.

    Raid shadow legends mastery guide